Material for Two-Day Workshops

Programs Conducted during 2023-24


ExpEYES is an instrument that can act as a Collection of Test Equipment, like DC power supply, Function generator, Oscilloscope, Frequency counter, Capacitance meter etc. It also supports I2C sensor elements for measuring physical parameters like temperature, pressure, magnetic field etc. This device can be used along with Desktops, Laptops, single board computers like Raspberry or Android phones. Details of the project are on the ExpEYES Website.

Participants are advised to go through the material below before attending the program. Click on the links for the details of each activity.

Plan of the Workshop


Click here to install Android App Seelab 3

Session 1 (10:15 AM - 11:15 AM) Getting familiar with the Equipment.

All the participant groups should have ExpEYES-17 (or the latest upgrade SEELab-3) functioning with their phones before starting the session.

Explanation of the Input/Output Terminals using the Oscilloscope GUI.

The functionality of the terminals will be verified by the participats, using the Oscilloscope GUI, by performing the following activities.

Session 2: (11:15 AM - 1:00 PM) Higher Secondary level Experiments

From now onwards, we will use the Experiments part of the GUI program. The documented experiments are arranged under different sections like Getting Started, School level, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanics etc. Participants are expected to perform a selected set of activities from this collection. Schematics and connection diagrams are provided. An online help also is available for each experiment (from the pulldown menu on the top right corner). Experiments listed below are along with the Section names.

  1. Getting Started->Measuring a DC voltage : Measure the voltage between the terminals of single drycell. Also their parallel and series combinations.

  2. Getting Started->Generating and Measuring Voltage : How to set and measure DC voltages, using the terminals PV1 and A1.

  3. Getting Started->Measuring Capacitance : Measure the capacitance of different types of capacitors, including a home-made parallel plate capacitor.

  4. Getting Started->Measuring Resistance : Measure the capacitance of different types of capacitors, including a home-made parallel plate capacitor.

  5. Getting Started->DC Resistance of Human Body : A small DC voltage is applied across human body to measure it’s resistance.

  6. School-Level->Electromagnetic Induction. A magnet is dropped into a coil and the resulting induced voltage waveform is captured.

  7. School-Level->Simple AC Generator. An AC generator is made by placing a coil near a rotating magnet.

  8. School-Level->Direct and Alternating Currents. Explains the difference by plotting the voltage as a function of time.

  9. School-Level->Resistor in AC Circuits. Explores the current and voltage of AC across a resistor. Amplitude and phase relationships are observed.

  10. School-Level->Capacitor in AC Circuits. Explores the relation between current and voltage of AC applied to a capacitor. The phase shift between voltage and current is demonstrated. The capacitive reactance is obtained from the voltage and current ampltudes. $ X_C = \frac{V_C}{I_C} $. Value of the capacitance used can be evaluated usig the equation $ C = \frac{1}{2 \pi f X_C} $.

  11. Electrical->RC circuit steady state response. Circuit is same as in the previous experiment. The phase shift of voltage across the capacitor in an RC circuit is measured and compared with $ d\phi = \tan^{-1}(\frac{Z_C}{R}) $

  12. School-Level->Inductor in AC Circuits Explores the relation between current and voltage of AC applied to an Inductor.

  13. School-Level->AC to Series LCR circuit, Resonance. Explores the series LCR circuit under AC. Voltage across various circuit elements during resonance is measured. The measured resonant frequency is compared with the theoretical value $ f_o = \frac{1}{2 \pi \sqrt{LC}} $. Voltage across LC vanishes at this frequency. The individual voltages across L and C are equal and outof phase at resonance.

  14. School-Level->Distance measurement using Echo module. Measurements on oscillating Mass and Spring system.

  15. School-Level->AC Resistance of Human Body. Role of capacitance in the resistance of human body is explored.

Session 3: BSc & MSc Level Experiments (2:00 PM - 4:15 PM)

Most of the experiments in this section are part of the B.Sc syllabus. Conventional method requires DC power supply, oscilloscope, function generator and frequency counter to perform them. Experiments like studying the Transient Response of LCR circuits is difficult with conventional equipment, but ExpEYES can be used to perform them.

  1. Electronics->Half wave rectifier
  2. Electronics->Diode VI Characteristic
  3. Electronics->Inverting amplifier using Op-Amp
  4. Electronics->Summing amplifier using Op-Amp
  5. Electronics->Output Characteristics of NPN transistor
  6. Electronics->Clamping circuit using Diode
  7. Electronics->Full wave rectifier

Day 2

Session 4: (9:30 AM - 10.45 AM) BSc & MSc Level Experiments (continuation of session 4)

  1. Electrical->RC circuit transient response. Apply a voltage step to a series RC circuit and capture the resulting voltage waveform across the capacitor.
  2. Electrical->RLC circuit transient response. Apply a voltage step to a series RLC circuit and capture the resulting voltage across the capacitor. Study the underdamped, overdamped and critically damped cases.

  3. Frequency Response of Filter Circuits. Active filters are made using Op-Amps and Bode Plots are generated.

  4. Electronics->Oscillator using IC555 An Astable Multivibrator circuit is wired using IC555. The output is displayed on the oscilloscope. The frequency and duty cycle are measured by feeding the output to the terminal IN2.

  5. Acoustics->Velocity of Sound The velocity of sound can be obtained by measuring the wavelength directly, which is done by finding out the distance between two adjacent points having minimum and maximum pressure.

  6. Cooling curve Measuring the temperature of water using Pt100 sensor and plotting it as a function of time.

Installing ExpEYES on GNU/Linux and MS-Windows

So far we have used the Android version, mainly due to it’s ease of setting up. GUI Program is available for GNU/Linux, Mac and MSWindows systems also.

Visit the Software Installation Section for more information.

Session 5: (11:00 AM - 1 PM) Developing new Experiments (Python & Visual coding)

Even though GUI programs are available for many experiments, programming ExpEYES gives a deeper understanding.

Installing the Communication Modules

On GNU/Linux systems like Debian and Ubuntu, installing the Debian package providing the GUI is enough.

On MSWindows, open a command terminal and install the ExpEYES modules using the command

py -3 -m pip install eyes17lib

For more details, refer to the ExpEYES Programming manual for more details.

Some of the experiments done using the Android App will be performed by writing Python code.

  1. AC appled to a Capacitor

  2. Distance Measurement using SR04 Echo module

  3. Diode VI Characteristic

  4. NPN Transistor NPN Output & transfer Characteristics.

  5. Acceleration due to gravity using Rod Pendulum

  6. Acceleration due to gravity from Time of Flight

  7. Frequency Response of a filter

Visual Programming

The Android App SEELab3 supports Visual Programming, to develop new experiments. Visual programs to perform some experiments will be demonstrated. A WhatsApp group is desirable to share the code quickly

ExpEYES supports a range of I2C sensors. We will explore them using Visual programming. Sensors to measure the following physical parameters will be demonstarted.

Session 6. (2:00 PM to 3:30 PM) Presentations by the participants

Session 7. Conclusion and Feedback (3:45 to 4:30)